Party Banana
Party Banana is the party you never wanted to attend, hosted by the people you never wanted to meet. Audience members take part in the show as guests at the opening of the insufferably hip Tristan and Bianca's art studio/record label. Come in, mingle, and admire the art. There'll be drinks. You're going to need them.
Party Banana sold out at both the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and the Melbourne Fringe Festival - and not just because there was a bar in the show.
Party Banana was created by Elizabeth Davie and written and devised collaboratively with Kieran Bullock, Glenn Luck, James Rosier, Hannah Camilleri, Genelle Lentini and Molly McKew.
"Immerse yourself in the world of Party Banana, a hilarious and exciting new piece of interactive theatre." The Music
"Party Banana is an immersive show filled with lovable but cringe-worthy characters who’ll get under your skin in more ways than one." Herald Sun